Your Nine Star Ki Number is

One White Water

This personality assessment is based on the ki of your year of birth.
(People younger than 18 are more closely tied to their birth month. And they may still be "growing into" this annual number.)

It is good to tap into this person’s insight. Being the most yang number, they can be very comfortable when engaged in worldly pursuits, but are strongly attracted to the yin, spiritual aspects of life. This combination gives the 1 Water person a very strong intuition.

These individuals can have a very subdued appearance but, inside, they are very strong.

The evolved One Water seeks out people, religions, books; any means that will provide structure in their life. This inherent drive for structure does not come about because the 1 Water is a weak person. On the contrary, like water, this personality is very flexible and can flow in virtually any direction. Therefore the search is for definition, not to be pampered or held back.

One Waters are very interested in observing others and in sexual relationships. They can keep their thoughts and feelings well hidden, but have a deep respect for the art of communication and are excellent listeners.

One-waters can see "both sides of the coin", so their opinion is to be sought. Also, their intuition can be very strong. Any situation which takes a 1-water person out into the world, will tend to strengthen them.

Don't put off taking action because you are afraid of making mistakes. Of course, it's important to think things through, but don't hold yourself back, indefinitely.

One Water individuals born in 1954 (or early 1955) are unique to our times. They were born in a 1 Water year, in a 1 Water Nine Year Cycle, in a 1 Water 81 Year Cycle. They are the archetype of the ki of Water. They are the distillation of the values and the mindset of the early 20th Century.


Positive Action:
Understanding the facts. Comprehending the immediate situation. Strong Intuition. Clear communication.

Associated Organs: Kidney, Bladder & Reproductive.

Weaknesses: Organs associated with Fire & Soil energy.

Signs of Imbalance: Paranoia or lack of direction.

Yin & Yang: Creating Tension / Creating Harmony

This page described your personal Ki energy. Now, proceed to your latest 9 Star Ki Forecast.
(People younger than 18 are more closely tied to their birth month. The forecasts do not apply to 18 or younger.)

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