Your Nine Star Ki Number is

Nine Purple Fire

This personality assessment is based on the ki of your year of birth.
(People younger than 18 are more closely tied to their birth month. And they may still be "growing into" this annual number.)

This person is good for developing new ideas and initiating fresh activities. But, in order to reach a successful conclusion, their path must be well defined. Like Fire, they attract a lot of attention and can be very charismatic. Their temperament can change quickly, so it is sometimes difficult to know what the mood will be, next.

Outgoing and enthusiastic, these individuals are brilliant on the surface but, often, concise plans and opinions have not been carefully thought out.

The evolved Nine Fire will use their good fortune, charisma and outgoing nature to develop a business or profession that will balance their somewhat chaotic existence with the more substantial, material aspects of life. They have learned to channel their flamboyant nature, to obtain the required social approval and support. Many 9 Fires are very successful in public relations and sales positions.

Your ideas and insights can be both illuminating and inspiring. Often, Nine Fires have difficulty settling down in a long term job or marriage.

Nine Fire individuals born in 1955 (or early 1956) are unique to our times. They were born in a 9 Fire year, in a 9 Fire Nine Year Cycle, in a 9 Fire 81 Year Cycle. They are the archetype of the ki of Fire. They are the sign bearers of the values and the mindset of the late 20th and early 21st Centuries.


Positive Action:
Prayer and meditation. Reverence for all life. Long-term commitments.

Associated Organs: Heart, small intestine.

Weaknesses: Organs associated with Water & Metal energy.

Signs of Imbalance: Long term depression, long term solitude, long term sloth.

Yin & Yang: Making Conflict / Making Peace

This page described your personal Ki energy. Now, proceed to your latest 9 Star Ki Forecast.
(People younger than 18 are more closely tied to their birth month. The forecasts do not apply to 18 or younger.)

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