Nine Star Ki is a blend of commonsense and simple math. It is remarkable in that it proves that ancient cultures understood the universe and, in some very practical ways, could apply their knowledge better than we can now. Plain and simple- You can use this as a forthright tool in building your destiny. And you can get it here for free. If you don't know 9 Star Ki, then DON'T study the entire course at once. Learn one lesson at a time, then do the next. Each lesson builds upon the other. So, take your time, learn, and enjoy these free courses.
July 4, 2009- Lessons 1 through 9 posted. Scroll down to begin.
I want you to get this first lesson because it explains what's behind the ki. If you ignore Lesson 1, you can still learn how to find your own ki number, but it really helps to know what's happening at the source. If you ignore Lesson 1, you will eventually learn it on your own (but it will take at least 10 years, if you're really smart). This is perhaps the biggest lesson. Learning about the nature of the ki. Some people say that there are 9 "elements" in 9 Star Ki. However, this suggests that there are nine different energies, each somehow separate from the others. Get this straight from the beginning. It's all one energy. The universe is called so, because it is united. It is one entity with infinite facets. So, think of the 9 numbers as representing the SAME energy, but in different states. Don't be confused by this. It's simple. In the West, we teach the same thing to 6th graders. Only we cite just two energy states. Kinetic and Potential energy. We say that kinetic energy is energy that is in the state of being released, like fire or acceleration. We say potential energy is energy that has the potential to be released. Like a book that is sitting on a table. It may potentially fall to the floor (acceleration) but it is presently at rest. Many years ago, in East Asia, they said exactly the same thing. They just defined more energy states than the two that we use in the West. But, as we will see, they used the same basis. In this way of thinking, here are the nine states:
1 (Water)
![]() Now, let's get a handle on this by relating it to Western thinking. 1 Water is potential energy and 9 Fire is kinetic energy. One Water is inactive, floating, and dormant, yet it has "hidden strength". This isn't mystical poetry. It's a simple fact. The so-called "hidden strength in the center" is the potential energy that is unreleased. Nine Fire is the most active, brilliant, plasma phase. Obviously, kinetic energy. Energy as we most often think of energy. Okay, if Fire is kinetic energy and Water is potential energy, then why are seven additional energy states required? Because, frankly, it makes better sense when describing nature. The other seven energies come in two flavors. "Becoming" and "Regulating". Now you are confused, but you won't be. Read on.
![]() So, Tree energy is the state of energy as it is transforming from the potential to the kinetic state. There are two different levels, 3 Tree and 4 Tree. Kinetic energy can become potential energy. When a blazing fire fades, it first dissipates and then leaves behind the solid remnants of the material that was being consumed by the fire (e.g. ash).
![]() So, Metal energy is the state of energy as it is transforming from the kinetic to the potential state. There are two different levels, 7 Metal and 6 Metal.
Regulating: Through careful observation, ancients added three additional states of energy that regulate the energy cycle, so that it functions in harmonious order. This is similar to the modern "PID" (proportional–integral–derivative) functionality that controls the "gain" of a process, and keeps it from spinning out of control. It does so by smoothing out responses to abrupt changes; thereby creating a more harmonious flow. As any physicist or engineer can tell you, this is a vital feature that must be taken into consideration when you're working with changes between potential & kinetic energy. And so, in its own way, modern science also acknowledges the 'becoming' and the 'regulating' states. (Modern medicine does to. They just think of it differently. Consider the regulation that takes place in a single neural synapse.)
Back to the point- The regulating states are called Soil:
![]() Teapot: 1 Water (potential energy)- Cold water in the pot. 8 Soil (regulating)- Heat is applied to the pot (amplification from outside). 3 Tree (becoming)- Warm water in the pot (moving towards kinetic state). 4 Tree (becoming)- Water boils (approaching kinetic state). 9 Fire (kinetic energy)- Steam leaves the pot. 2 Soil (regulating)- Steam meets the air (stagnation from outside). 7 Metal (becoming)- Steam becomes visible (moving towards potential state). 6 Metal (becoming)- Steam condenses back to water (approaching potential state).
![]() Note that there are only eight of the nine energy states listed. That's because the ninth state (5 Soil) has no particular function in the cycle. Five is the ki that regulates all of the other states. Sounds very powerful, doesn't it? Well, in some ways, it is, but it's regulating power is limited. Remember now that these are all simply different states of the same energy. Each state, then, is equally valid. If one state were to vanish then 5 Soil would vanish as well.
Now, let's move away from teapots and put this philosophy in natural perspective:
Now, we begin to appreciate the purpose of more than two energy states, as they apply to real life. Here's another:
In actuality, the nine states of energy (9 Star Ki) can be applied to any system, from making tea, to building a strategy for personal success, to the sequence of a supernova. For the remainder of this course, it will be directed to the target of human destiny. But don't forget, It can be a very useful tool for determining the dynamics and the outcome of any event, anytime, anywhere.
This is how you find your main number (the year of your birth). This is easy. There are 9 years and they are [currently] proceeding in descending order. In the future, this will change but, for all practical purposes, not in your lifetime.
The years count down in descending order.
The years repeat this way:
From these, you can determine the ki of the year by simply subtracting / adding the number by 9. For example, take 2009 and subtract 9 until you get to one of the years cited above (2009 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 = 1964, a 9 Fire year). So, 2009 is a 9 Fire year. It's that simple. That's because it repeats evenly. Every nine years, you come back to the same number. This isn't an endless circle. Think of it as a spiral through time. If it was a circle then 1964 would have been exactly the same as 1955. Obviously, it wasn't. More on this later. Here are some math tricks: The ki of any year of the 20th century is easy to determine. For 1922, you can add 2+2 (=4). Then subtract the 4 from 10 (=6). So, 1922 was a 6 Metal year. For 1947, I add 4+7 (=11). 11 is greater than 10, so I add again --> 1+1=2. Then subtract 2 from 10 (=8). So, 1947 was an 8 Soil year. I can do the same for the 21st century, but first I must subtract 99. 2023- 99 = 1924. Now I can take the 2 & 4 and do the same math as we did, above. 2+4=6. 10-6=4. So 1924 and 2023 are 4 Tree years. Here's another method for years in the 21st century, provided by Thomas Faber. Add ALL digits of a year in the 21st century: (2005 is 2+0+0+5=7) then subtract that from 11 and you'll have the 4 tree year.
So, 2000 -> 11-2=9
With this system, the New Year doesn't begin on January 1st. For all practical purposes, it begins on February 4th, every time. Just remember this. If a person is born before February 4th then, by our calendar, they have the ki of the previous year. Again, this is a simple rule. Here's an example: Steve was born on January 2nd, 1966. So, you take the rules from Lesson 2 and arrive at 7 Metal. But he was born before February 4th, so he is affiliated with the previous year, 1965, an 8 Soil year. You can recognize that he was born before February 4th and, so, figure for the previous year (1965) or you can simply add 1 to your calculations for 1964. 7 Metal + 1 = 8 Soil. Either way, you arrive at the same number. Here's a good point. Remember that the cycle is 9 numbers. So, if the number after February 4th is 9 Fire, then the number before February 4th is 1 Water. In this case, you don't add -- you go back to 1 Water (because there is no "10").
Okay. We have already learned how to calculate the main number. The number of your birth year. Now, we will figure in your monthly ki. The number of the month you were born. First of all, it's the same thing. It is the numbers 1 through 9, figured in repeating cycles, in descending order. So, if May is an 8 Soil month, then June will be 7 Metal. But, like the years, you need a place to start counting from (or, really, a place to count back to). Because the numbers repeat, the month can be arbitrary, so let's use the ki of the month as I'm writing this. April 2009 is a 3 Tree month. So May 2009 will be 2 Soil, June will be 1 Water, July will be 9 Fire, August will be 8 Soil, and so on. 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8 etc. Just like the years. If there were nine months in the year, then each month would always have the same number. But, there are 12 months, so, the same month in each year shifts by 3 numbers (12 - 9 = 3). Confusing? Well, a little at first. But here's some light:
(Remember- The 9 Star Ki year begins in February.)
Do you see how it repeats in descending order? And, thank God, it starts back at the top after only 3 years because 12 - 9 = 3. But you don't have to memorize the chart because, if you know any month at all (say the month of your birth) then you can count in 9 cycles to find any other. Say, for example, you were born in March of a 3 Tree year. That would be a 4 Tree month. From the chart above, you know that. Now, suppose that someone was born 3 years after you, in July. That would be a 9 Fire year. Right? Well, just look at the chart. July of a 9 Fire year is a 9 Fire month. There! Now you have their annual AND their monthly ki. Now, look again. See how the monthly number is always the same for Soil people (2 Soil, 5 Soil & 8 Soil)? That means, if you can just remember the monthly ki of a single Soil person, then you can quickly ascertain the monthly ki of ANY Soil person, simply by adding or subtracting the number of the month. For example, I was born in May of a 2 Soil year, so my monthly number is 8. My friend was born in July of a Soil year, so I simply subtract 2 (June, July) and I know that she was born in a 6 Metal month. It doesn't matter what Soil number she is, because ALL Soils have the same monthly chart. Now take the other types. See how each of the rows steps by 3? (3, 6, 9) (1, 4, 7). That means, if you know the monthly ki of just three people, you can quickly determine the monthly ki of ANYONE, with no chart. Here's what I use. I was born in May of a 2 Soil year (2, 5, 8 Soil) so I remember that May of a Soil year = 8 Soil. My wife was born in April of a 1 Water Year, so I remember that April is a 6 Metal month. Therefore, I can use her monthly number to quickly arrive at the monthly number of anyone born in a 1, 4 or 7 year. My buddy was born in February of a 9 Fire year. I remember this is 5 Soil, so I can quickly count up or down to arrive at any monthly ki number, for anyone born in a 3, 6 or 9 year. This may take awhile to sink into your mind. But please do study this. Until you are accurate, you can simply use the chart.
Yeah, it happens here too, just like with the year. It's simply a function of ancient and modern calendars. So, here's a rule, for the month, that's kind like the "before February 4th" rule: If the person is born early in the month, then they "belong" to the ki of the previous month. They have the ki of the previous month. Just like with the year, you add one number. (And if the number is 9, you go back to 1.) For example, if Cynthia had been born on May 17th of an 8 Soil year, then her monthly ki would be "8 Soil Month / 8 Soil Year". If, on the other hand, Cynthia had been born on May 3rd, her number would be "9 Fire Month / 8 Soil Year". Because the monthly "ki change" varies, here is the list. As with the New Year, it sometimes changes by a day but, for all practical purposes, the monthly ki changes on:
January 5th So, just add 1. The trickiest ones are in early January, where you have to add 1 for the month and for the year. Usually, though, the birth dates fall within the "not previous to" category and no "shifting" is needed. If you don't want to memorize the dates, you can always bookmark this page. But, eventually it'll be second nature. And don't worry if your memory gets fuzzy on these facts, The Nine Star "experts" do too.
Besides the Annual & Monthly ki, there is a third number. But it isn't a function of the time you were born. Instead, it is derived from the Annual & Monthly numbers. So, everyone born with the same annual and monthly numbers will have the same third number. Therefore, it doesn't refine the ki and it doesn't tell you much new. Also, there are two different ways to arrive at the third number and they arrive at different numbers! Enough said about the 3rd number. Okay. Okay! If you really want to know, check out lesson 8 and then do this. Sketch the chart for the second number (the monthly number). Now find the position of the first number (the annual number) in the monthly chart. The number of the position is the third number. Tah-dah! What? You don't get it? Neither would I. Here's what I mean.
![]() This is the chart (the "magic square") for a person born in an 8 Soil month. Let's say this person was born in a 2 Soil year. What you want to do is remember the location of 2 Soil in this 8 Soil chart.
![]() This is the 5 Soil square that you will always base your 9 Ki positions on. (This is why you were supposed to read lesson 8). Remember how 2 Soil was positioned in the bottom-left corner of the 8 Soil chart? Now, lookng at the 5 Soil chart, you'll see that the bottom-left corner says 8. That's the third number for a 2 Soil person born in an 8 Soil month. 2.8.8 Let's try it again. Say we have a lady (a real lady who eats her olives with a fork and knife) who was born in a 7 Metal month in a 3 Tree year. So far, we know our lady of the olives is a 3.7
![]() This is the chart (the "magic square") for a person born in a 7 Metal month. Where's the 3? That's right. Bottom-center.
![]() Again, we use the 5 Soil square as a reference to determine the 3rd number. Bottom-center is 1 Water, so we arrive at:
3.7.1 for our lady of the olives. Born in a 3 Tree year, in a 7 Metal Month, with a 1 Water third number (which will always be a 1 for every 3.7, but if you're short on intuition there are plenty of books that will go on and on about the 3rd number).
You know how to find your 9 Star Ki numbers. Now, what do you do with them? First, go back to lesson 1 and realize the fundamental meaning of each number. Second, realize that the number of the year you were born (your annual number) is your primary number. This defines your general outlook, the way you think and how you interact with the other 8 energy-types, now and for the rest of your life. That is unless you become so imbalanced (unhealthy) that you bury your true ki and take on a different persona. This can happen and it can rob you of a fulfilling destiny. In a way, we all do this to a degree but not to the extent that we "switch tracks". Fortunately, divorcing your ki completely is rare and you won't see it often (dead men tell no tales). There is an exception to the "primary ki" rule. In fact, until you're about 18 years old, your monthly number is primary. For example, Amy was born in a 4 Tree Month, in a 6 Metal year. So, while she's growing up she's a 4 Tree and her ki position changes every month. Ever wonder why growing up is so crazy and exciting? Now you know. Around the age of 18, Amy 'metamorphosizes' into a 6 Metal adult. Ever wonder why it's so confusing to be 17 or 18? Now you know. Except, the switch-over isn't so hard for everyone. For example, Bill was born in a 3 Tree month, in a 4 Tree year so, at 18, his transformation has a high degree of consistency. Unlike say a 9 Fire / 1 Water. Yeah?
Let's get back to Amy's life in the light of Lesson One. She starts life like this:
Around her 18th year, she gradually transforms into this: She never loses her childhood nature. Those qualities always remain in the background, even if they tend to conflict with her adult nature. In fact, Amy will subconsciously resort to her childhood number when solving tricky problems and in times of stress. We all do.
The cycles in time are best represented by the so called magic square. At Blooming Grove, we usually just call it the "9 Ki Square" because it's really quite useful and, instead of being magic, it's actually pretty mechanical. Repeating over and over, like an engine, but with only nine moving parts, so it's easier to understand. Yet, like a heartbeat, or the cycle of the moon and the seasons, there is some innate magic there (if you believe that life is mysterious and wonderful). Another facet is that the mathematical relationships of the numbers in the square are fascinating (they may even shed some light on the dreaded "Number of the Beast"). Also, if you know a little about Feng Shui, the square will be very familiar -- proof that the ancient East shared their technology and applied it in various ways. From city planning to Sidoku. But these lessons are about putting the ki to practical use, so practical we will remain. There is one magic square but it contains 9 possible configurations. Let's start with the most important one. It isn't "more important" because it is superior. Like a good democracy, all nine combinations are of equal importance. It isn't "more important" because it stands alone, because all of the combinations are connected. Rather, it is of special interest because it defines our personal positions, as we travel through time. With Feng Shui (the study of spatial relationships), what you do is you look at a house or a community and you use the rules of Feng Shui to study its structure. Well, with 9 Star Ki (the study of temporal relationships) you don't have solid structures to work with. So, we use this one as a kind of "solid foundation" to build on.
![]() This square represents the energy of a 5 Soil year (or month). It is said to be the most "balanced" square because all of the numbers are in their "home position". To understand this square, there is only one thing you have to get over. Unlike our modern maps, North is at the bottom and South is at the top. Likewise, West is on the right and East is on the left. Once you get past this slight difference, everything else gets easy. Why? Because you can then look at all of the numbers and see them in their true state. The state of being or becoming that we were talking about in earlier lessons, and it all starts to make practical and intuitive sense. For example, kinetic 9 Fire is in the south, facing the expansive, hot tropics. And potential 1 Water is in the north, facing the compressed, cold pole. And it just gets better! Look at 3 Tree (rising energy) in the east, where the sun rises, spring sprungs and the day begins. Also, 7 Metal in the west -- setting sun, cooling, autumn colors, beauty. Joy. Less energetic than 3 Tree, for sure, but more relaxed. And you can start to make all kinds of other connections. Three Tree is more pioneering, bold and aggressive. Seven Metal more sociable, eloquent and pleasurable. Now, look at all of the other numbers. Let's take an obscure one. Eight Soil, the northeast. Think of it as a blend between 3 Tree (east, morning) and 1 Water (north, midnight) and sure enough, you'll get a clear picture. Traditionally, 8 Soil is the energy of late winter, the time between winter (1 Water) and early spring (3 Tree). It is also the ki of late night, between midnight and sunrise. So, just like revolutions are planned when everyone is sleeping, and just like the sap begins to rise, hidden below the bark of the tree in late winter, and just as the change from winter to spring is miraculous and marks a totally new beginning, a rebirth, so 8 Soil is the ki of revolution and change. When aligned so, in the 5 Soil square, all of the numbers are said to be in their "home position" because they point to their true seasonal direction. Their true energy. Now. look at how the numbers change (in descending order) with the progression of time. In the following image, you can see the actual position of every number but, for now, just watch the center square.
![]() This is simply a pictorial representation of what we learned in Lesson 2. The years (and months) count down in descending order. When they get to 1, they start over at 9. Okay, even though you stared at the center number, you noticed that the other numbers were changing too. It probably looked very random, but there is an exact order. And when you know what to look for, the order is easy to spot. All we have to do is look again at our 5 Soil foundation:
![]() Start in the center with 5, then go to 6 in the northwest, 7 in the west, 8 in the northeast, 9 in the south, then 1 in the north, 2 in the southwest, 3 in the east, 4 in the southeast, and back to 5 in the center. All we're really doing is counting up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. THIS is the way we travel forwards in time. Whether by the year or the month, we all simply go 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. in the square. And we use the 5 Soil square to keep our bearings. In the following example, we will follow a 2 Soil person as they make their rounds. But keep in mind that everyone follows the same path:
![]() Don't wrack your brains. Just use the 5 Soil square as a backdrop, then move your personal number up by one count. Here's a good exercise. This time, pay attention to your own number AND watch the center square (I'll slow the process down):
![]() The number of the year is in the center, counting down. Your number is counting up. So, if you are a 3 Tree, you'll see that you're in the 5 Soil position when 3 is in the center (a 3 Tree year), and you're in 6 Metal when 2 is in the center (a 2 Soil year). You're in 7 Metal when 1 Water is in the center (a 1 Water year) and so on. If you don't get this, that's okay. Just scroll up to the first square in this lesson and study it until you see the way the numbers count up. It's always the same direction. Here are some helpful sketches:
This is lesson 9, of 9 Star Ki, so it will be very profound, yes? Nah! It isn't profound because it's just expounding a little bit on yin & yang (Fire & Water) (Kinetic & Potential). Putting it into a "nut & bolts" format that you can apply to life in a practical way. What's profound is what YOU do with it. And you don't have to be some kind of Zen master. Just use it a little and you'll use it more. This is a tool. You can use it humorously, like knowing what ki a person is by seeing what they're going through. You can use it wisely, to offer help. Or as a practical tool, like learning to make a ton of money. And you can apply it to world events, anticipating what will come next. It is said that if you give a fish, you feed someone for a day but, if you teach how to fish, you feed someone for a lifetime. That's precisely our goal. Yet, as you are learning, it is possible that you will want to compare your evaluations with our personal account of your ki. So, our sales department remains open and continues to support this web site and this work.
Here's how you figure directionology. First, find your position for the year. Say you're a 3 Tree in a 9 Fire Year. All of the numbers are placed like the square below. And based on the Primary (5 Soil) Square that means you occupy the 8 Soil annual position.
Here are the 4 main rules for directionology: As we mentioned in Lesson 8, our 5 Soil Square is associated with different directions. So, that's the square you think of when you determine the directions:
![]() Now, scroll back and forth between the "3 Tree in 9 Fire Year" and "5 Soil Square" until you see that in our example, 3 occupies the northeast and 5 occupies the north. Now, see that the opposite of northeast is southwest, the opposite of north is south. The idea being, for a 3 Tree in a 9 Fire Year, it isn't so good to travel towards north, northeast, south and southwest. Moving in any of these directions probably won't kill you, or even give you a cold, but there will be some degree of resistance that has a wearing influence on your opportunity for well-being and success. All of the normal rules apply. For example, the year still begins right around February 4th. You need to know that in order to make the right directionology chart. So, are we done? Nah. It's easy but not quite that easy. Now, do the same calculations for your monthly position. To make it easy (for me) let's say that you're a 3 Tree in a 9 Fire month. This makes all of the numbers the same as the charts for the year, above. So, in this case, you end up with the same conclusions for the month (it isn't so good to travel towards north, northeast, south and southwest). Everything is the same, right? Wrong. The difficulties have been compounded. For each of these difficult directions, the difficulty has doubled. For example, if 3 Tree want's to travel North, this month, there is a strike against it for the month and there is a strike against it for the year. Hummmmm, maybe you ought to think twice. Maybe pick a better month to go north, this year. Actually, two strikes aren't that bad, but you should prepare for setbacks and annoyances along the way. Here's how I look at it: If you have zero strikes against you (free & clear) you'll still have some stress. You'll have to book your hotel, deal with traffic, catch your flight on time. And there is still some danger involved (the drunk driver weaving on the highway probably has a different ki). That's life. But, in general, this is as good as it gets.
1 Strike-
2 Strikes-
3 Strikes-
4 Strikes- When planning a vacation, take everyone's ki into account and choose a Free & Clear or a "1 Strike" direction. If your boss is yelling "go there now!" and you have no opportunity to choose the best timing, then realize the implications and travel with the appropriate level of caution. Are we done with Directionology now? No.
Over the years, it has come to my attention that the directions you travel in are "not even". There are 8 directions and the possible destinations are in a 360 degree range. This would suggest that each direction is a 45 degree wedge of the pie (360 / 8). But, I think you should consider this. See the four cardinal directions as 30 degrees and the others as 60 degrees.
![]() In other words, the directionology for NE, SE, SW & NW is twice as broad as N, S, E & W. This has held true in my experience. There are other implications to Directionology. Time, distance and importance.
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS If you'd like to make an on-line compass reading between two points, first write down the latitude and longitude of the two points, using this link: Then, enter the values at the top of this page: Another consideration- It's okay to cheat. For example, if your destination in the southwest is difficult, then chances are that most other directions are freed up. So, you could travel due west and stay there for as long as possible, then travel due south to your destination. Or due south, then due west. This won't erase all of the challenges (unless you stay halfway for 30 months, or more) but even a day's layover will increase the success of a short business-trip.
Here are some examples of charting directionology for the year and the month:
![]() The standard, 5 Soil grid is shown at the top, just to remind you about the directions. The directions stay the same for every grid. For example, if you're in the bottom-left corner then you're "in the northeast". Middle-right is always west, middle-top is always south, and so on. In Figure 1, we're solving for a 2 Soil Person who occupies the 8 Soil (northeast) position for the year, and the 2 Soil (southwest) position for the month. In this case, we see a buildup of resistance against travel towards the northeast and southwest because moving "towards" and "away" from herself always involves one of these two directions. Also, 5 Soil occupies the central position, making travel in any direction more difficult. In Figure 2, we're solving for a 1 Water Person who occupies the 7 Metal (west) position for the year, and the 3 Tree (east) position for the month. Again, we see this line of resistance (this time, east-west) because Water is directly opposite himself by the year and the month. And this time 5 is not in the center but still plays a role in the buildup, because 5 is in the west when 1 is in the east. If you study this for awhile, you'll find that these rather severe alignments aren't the rule, but they aren't that rare either. And they can last for a considerable duration. In Figure 1, notice that 2 Soil will retain a minimum of 2 strikes against NE / SW travel, for the entire year. The plus-side, of course, is the more the resistance accumulates along a specific line, the more the other directions open up for travel.
As our publications say: "Please remember that there is always some risk in traveling, no matter the direction; strange locations, traffic, your personal alertness and balance, many people with differing destinies and differing ki. Our information is based on study and personal experience and we include it because we know it is important, but do not underestimate the value of your health, attentiveness, faith and intuition. A "difficult" direction, for one with balance and clarity, may be superior to a "good" direction, for the careless." The ki is subtle and, I believe, it can really make or break the success of a journey, a project or a transaction. But clearly, there are other factors at play. I can be driving in a perfectly clear direction but, if I'm stone drunk on the wrong side of the road, then I have placed myself (and others) in serious peril. A less extreme example is heading off on a journey without sufficient food or enough funds. This isn't limited to directionology. Say you are using 9 Star Ki to start a new business or venture, to achieve wealth or fame, to build a happy family or to realign your entire destiny. This is all fine but you must also consider your faith, your health, your determination, your relationships, your talents and experience, and yes, even such practical matters as schedules and funds. Health, balance, intuition, optimism, good humor and clarity of thought are vital treasures that should not be ignored. This is why diet is crucial to your destiny. This is where faith can be indispensable. You don't use a hacksaw to drive a nail. Nine Star Ki is a remarkable tool for humanity, but it must be placed in context and be used in balance. As with any tool, this understanding comes with practice and time.
In his book "Nine Star Ki", Michio Kushi says, in essence, that you can also use Directionology when approaching other people. You have to know your ki and their ki. If they are opposite you, opposite 5 Soil, or 5 Soil, then you are at somewhat of a disadvantage in approaching them. I don't normally use this but, for critical situations, this may be of value to you. In summary, you can approach people as you approach a direction. For example, if my number is presently opposite yours (maybe my number is in the north and yours in the south) then it may not be the best time to approach me. The same applies if my number is opposite 5 Soil (or if I am a 5 Soil and you are not). You can also study my directionology towards you. Perhaps it is difficult for you to approach me with a new idea or plan, but it may be easier for me to come to you. You'll see that this is connected to 5 Soil's location.
This is one of the most difficult and treacherous aspects of Nine Star Ki. In the early 90's after Michio published his book, so many folks misinterpreted him. They saw 9 Star Ki relationships as a new way to find their soul mate. After all, they thought, if the numbers are beneficial then what can possibly go wrong? Actually, quite a lot can go wrong. Hearts can be broken, reducing 9 Star Ki study to the lowest possible level – similar to using the ki to plan an attack. People practicing 9 Ki in this way can easily destroy loving, lifelong friendships by trying to surround themselves with people who have the "right numbers." Perhaps comparing the ki numbers made more sense in traditional planned marriages but, these days, who wants that? I've seen this happen when people stop using 9 Star Ki as a useful tool and start depending on it, instead of relying on their human nature to be patient, forgiving, loving and kind. This is no joke. There is a certain justice here. You can't abuse the ki without abusing yourself. If you get careless with a hammer, you smash your own thumb. Nine Star Ki is no different. In some instances, repeated pain induces personal growth. In other cases, I'm sorry to say, it's like a gambling addiction. The pain is endured over and over, and nothing is learned. The facts are, we can manipulate others "by the numbers" all day long but, if we don't have the capacity to forgive, to love and honor, then even the "perfect combination" is going to fail. You can't be selfish and proclaim to love. And it follows that if you do forgive and love, then even the "worst numbers" can produce a lifelong, happy, fulfilling relationship. The two can become one. Case in point. Wayne met Kathy in those early years when their childhood numbers harmonized. Wayne was an 8 and Kathy a 6. The first time I saw her, I had to leave the room. Her beauty (and her sensuality) was so radiant that I could not bear it. What a total knockout! All of us guys felt that way. As time passed and the two approached adulthood, their primary numbers changed (they knew nothing of 9 Star Ki, of course). Wayne became a 2 and Kathy became a 1. Of all the "antagonistic" numbers, perhaps 2 Soil controls / overrides 1 Water more than any other ki combination. But we eventually married and 43 years later we share a lovely home. We have just completed a wonderful holiday season with our children and our grandchildren. And I shudder to think that, through misuse of the ki, this loving family would never have existed. So, if you want to go playing around with the "relationship numbers" you had better start out with your heart, your spiritual development and your selflessness in order, or you'll get burned. You'll burn yourself. Here are the control and support cycles:
![]() This is also discussed on our Q&A page. This is a simple diagram, showing the 9 Star Ki cycles of Support and Control. Some ki energies have a controlling influence on other ki energies. That is, the energy of one type tends to overpower; to dominate the energy of another. Also, some types tend to provide an openly supportive, sustaining influence to other numbers. The diagram, above, shows both cycles. If you follow the outer circle, in a clockwise direction, you will see that:
1 Water sustains 3 Tree & 4 Tree Now, look at the 5-pointed star in the circle. Why 5 points? Because, in oriental philosophy, there are five basic elements. Or, to be more exact, there are five manifestations of energy. Water being potential energy. Tree (Wood) being potential energy moving towards kinetic energy. Fire is kinetic energy. Metal is kinetic energy moving towards potential energy (consolidation). And Soil (Earth) is balancing energy, unifying all cycles. Follow the straight lines, in the direction of the arrows, and you will see that:
1 Water controls 9 Fire It naturally follows that you don't want to be controlled, and that you probably don't want to be a controller either. That it would be better to be sustained and maybe even better to play the sustaining role. But what does this really mean for a healthy relationship? Do you really want to be supported for your entire life? Do you really want to endlessly support? In the long run, wouldn't it be better to love and to cherish – for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health? Please use the ki as intended – not as your master but as a helpful tool.
1 Waters may appear to be wishy-washy. Inside they are strong. But life can call on you to be all of the above. That's how we build successful relationships. That's why we're designed to love. Here's a trick that you can safely do. Until we are about 18-years-old, we exhibit the ki of the month of our birth, instead of the ki of our birth year. When we are overly emotional, when problem solving and in times of stress, we often resort to our childhood / monthly ki. In our relationships, we can use this knowledge as a useful tool.
Childhood Number Coping Mechanisms: If 8 Month / 2 Year is in a stressful situation and 6 Month / 1 Year is not, then 6/1 can rely on her usual adult ki while expecting 8/2 to ignore his surroundings until he has arrived at a working solution (Study. Seeking change). But should both be under stress, they may actually solve the problem even sooner, if they work together (Study. Seeking change) + (Simplification. Organization). I'm sure you get the idea. Devoted partners can use 9 Star Ki to achieve their shared dream. But the partnership always comes first. Falling in love is not the time to analyze the numbers. Who would be that cold? So much for 9 Star Ki and personal relationships. We came here from love and we came to love, or we needn't have bothered to arrive.
If you have any questions or comments, you are welcome to contact us through this web site. Thanks! Wayne
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