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9 Star Ki / Macrobiotics

A Network of Friends- May 2024 (Thunder & Stagnation)

May 5 through June 5, 2024

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Alex Jack does not own the Blooming Grove Studio. Rather, he is our friend and author of many books pertaining to the macrobiotic way of life and 9 Star Ki.

We provide 9 Star Ki written consultations, based on your personal ki and the transformations you'll pass through over the next 12 months. Alex provides in-depth personal readings, in person, by email or by phone. You can use this link to contact him.

9 Star Ki Personal Readings with Alex Jack

"Nine Star Ki is, quite simply, a tool for humanity…….
It is easy to learn, easy to use………and, to my great surprise,
it works !"

Hi Friends,

On our April home page (a 3 Tree Month in a 3 Tree Year) we said:

".... Globally, this is a 3 Tree Month, in a 3 Tree Year, in a 2 Soil 9-Year cycle, in a 9 Fire 81-Year cycle. The cycle of support flows from 3 Tree, to 9 Fire, and terminates in 2 Soil. Besides the year-long domination of 3 Tree over 2 Soil, the 3 Tree monthly ki now overrides 2 Soil as well. While 2 Soil is the most supported ki, it is also the most challenged.

Three Tree. Rising energy. Thunder.

This is an excellent time to study and to understand the characteristics and the influence of 3 Tree. Knowing the ki so early in the year will help us navigate the remainder of 2024.

See this month as an amplification of March's ki combination. Previous issues will gain momentum and new conditions (and ideas) will abound. Globally, this will be a hectic time because the ki of 3 Tree is raw, blunt and pioneering. In the Northern Hemisphere (early spring / 3 Tree) and along the equator (9 Fire) the seasonal ki will boost this active, boisterous mood.

The effects of this intense ki alignment will not be limited to current geopolitical events. Look for technological changes and discoveries. Watch the weather and even your personal experiences.

Is Tree energy destructive or bad? Not in the least. Tree is the lively mood of sunrise, of springtime. Rising up. New beginnings! It's just that when so much of a single energy becomes compounded, the global outlook can become narrow; too focused upon some issues, ignoring potential remedies and solutions. When the predominant ki is so forceful, so highly charged, like Tree, the situation is not only focused, it is also fast-paced and, so, difficult to keep up with.

But it is this same energy state that supports exploration, discovery, new ideas and regeneration. This would be a good time to read the annual 2024 commentary, below.

We all enter double-ki positions this month. One Water occupies 3 Tree by the month and the year. Two Soil is in 4 by the month and year, 3 in double-5, 4 in double-6 and so on. So, this month not only provides an opportunity to better understand 3 Tree; it's also a chance to explore the nature of our own ki position. An ideal touchstone in time...."

April was definitely a fast paced, nearly unhinged month. Even the weather was unsettled, with record floods in various locations and an army of tornadoes in the United States. But social change and disruption surpassed the winds of spring.

April 8-
A total solar eclipse crossed Mexico, the US and Canada's maritime provinces. Similar to what I've noticed on the 4th of July, our collective minds seemed to push the clouds away from the path of totality, so we could see the spectacle.

April 10-
Eight Soil O. J. Simpson passed away as he entered the 1 Water position for both the month and the year. He had been dealing with prostate cancer (reproductive organ associated with 1 Water).

April 11-
The Biden administration and the Department of Justice moved to shut down the gun-show loophole and internet loophole. At least 20,000 more gun sellers will be required to perform instant background checks to keep them from selling to felons and other illicit buyers.

April 14 (local time)-
Days after a suspected Israeli strike in Syria that killed two Iranian generals, Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles into Israel. Defensive weapons from Israel, the US, UK and Jordan brought down 99% of them before they could cause harm. France and Saudi Arabia probably provided protection, as well.

April 18-
The United Arab Emirates struggled to recover from the heaviest recorded rainfall ever in the desert country. More rain fell in 24 hours than in a normal year. One Water occupied 3 Tree (rising energy) by the month and the year.

April 19-
In response to Iran's attack, Israel launched drones against the city of Isfahan. The "mini-drones" caused no damage or casualties but proved that Israel could breach Iran's defenses with little effort. Tehran announced to their public that "infiltrators" had caused the event and there was no need for retaliation.

April 20-
After waiting for six months, the US House of Representatives passed a $95 billion foreign aid package. The Senate approved it four days later. It provides $60.84 billion to Ukraine, $26 billion for Israel, (including $9.1 billion for Gaza relief) and $8.12 billion for the Indo-Pacific, including Taiwan.

69 House Reps Voted Against Ukraine Military Aid

April 25-
Net Neutrality was restored. The FCC voted to regulate internet providers, in order to keep them from "choking" Internet speed to small businesses and regular users. The Obama administration first issued Net Neutrality in 2015, but the Trump Administration repealed it in 2017. The current vote sets it right.

All Month-
Over 4,200 pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel demonstrations circled the globe as the War in Gaza continued. A vast majority of them were peaceful. There were also nearly 100 neutral protests, simply calling for peace. Many college students in the USA demonstrated against the destruction of innocent children and citizens in Gaza.

Until further notice, 10% of all 9 Star Ki orders will be contributed to the World Central Kitchen (WCK).

Global Famine Relief

From Nameless - This Adobe Reader® (PDF) file may be shared freely.

SODIS® Flyer- describing a safe way to purify water in emergencies.

Articles Below:
'Precession of the Equinoxes' Link updated October, 2009.
'Arsenic in Our Food' updated November, 2013.
The Global Perspective is updated early every month.
The Annual Commentary is updated every year.
9-Year Cycle Commentary is updated once every nine years.
New Links and other articles are updated as they arise.

Link- Nine Star Ki and the Precession of the Equinoxes

Link- Arsenic in Our Natural Food – Facts and Options

This Month's Global Perspective
(May 5 through June 5, 2024)

Globally, this is a 2 Soil Month, in a 3 Tree Year, in a 2 Soil 9-Year cycle, in a 9 Fire 81-Year cycle. The cycle of support flows from 3 Tree, to 9 Fire, and terminates in 2 Soil. Although 3 Tree dominates 2 Soil, its influence is diminished, now, due to 2 Soil's double appearance, by the month and the 9-Year cycle, and by 2's position at the receiving end of the support cycle.

Two Soil generates stagnation. Like its seasonal energy, late summer, it produces a mood that is calm, steady and generally bland. It is a time for friendship and planning, rather than one of bold, decisive action. Consider the 'dog days' of summer.

Normally, we would expect this time to be peaceful and without surprise. But, when we take the larger cycles into account, we see a clear difference; a friction. Our review of April, above, suggests that 3 Tree is anything but "calm, steady and bland". In fact, 3 Tree is the embodiment of active, concerted energy. What then can we expect, when these two diverse components collide?

First, it is important to understand that Tree overrides Soil. Furthermore, stagnant, calm 2 Soil is most easily affected by Tree's rising power. So, in general, we can anticipate more of the same. As during previous months, 3 will remain prevalent on the world scene.

However, for a clear understanding, we must go deeper. Note that the ki flows from Tree to Fire to Soil – strengthening 2 Soil. Even though 3 Tree is the dominant partner, 2 Soil's double influence will play an important role. As the ki of stagnation, 2 will tend to create obstacles by "bogging down" the rate of active progress. The definition of 'quagmire' is "a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot." In other words, a muddy swamp. Now, imagine a horse cart (3 Tree) trying to make rapid progress in a quagmire (2 Soil).

At the expense of extra energy and caution, the horse can continue. But, if too much force is blindly applied, then serious setbacks can occur. If you don't believe this, study the timeline of the American Civil War from a '9 Ki' point of view.

Every coin has two sides. In some cases, this "slowing down" could generate some extra time to achieve solutions before an event gets out of hand.

Fortunately, the guidelines are clear for peacemakers. If the process is moving in a positive direction, let it be. Let it grow. If events are unfolding in a destructive or harmful direction, then add a 'pinch of 2 Soil' by bringing it to everyone's attention, by providing a helpful hand, offering constructive criticism, defining alternative measures and, most of all, through education.*

* Stagnation involves accumulation, including the accumulation of knowledge.

Do not apply excessive force, from either the 2 Soil or the 3 Tree point of reference. Success can be achieved through patience, communication, consistency and optimism. This is an opportunity for meeting, conservative planning and agreements; not for action.

1 Waters- will appreciate the mood of this house and will remain active. Two Soils- time for your karmic checkup. Three Trees- will find their immediate options are narrowed but, usually, in a favorable way. Four Trees- will encounter a milder mood. 5 Soils- will undergo a few changes; the clearer your judgment the better. Six Metals- can look for interesting options while remaining organized. Seven Metals- will appreciate the mild slowdown but must find a middle way. Balance is important now. Eights- can succeed through traditional methods & values. And 9 Fires- you can achieve mild progress if you remain consistent.

For more information, see your online forecast and our detailed publications.

Patient, steady the Ox proceeds,
begins to pull with others now.
The way becomes clear.

Time DurationKi NumberCharacteristicsNature
Monthly 2 Soil Agreements, Preparation Accumulation
Annual 3 Tree Rising Energy, Thunder Yang Expanding Out
9 Year Cycle 2 Soil Agreements, Preparation Accumulation
81 Year Cycle 9 Fire Illumination, Fortune, Chaos Kinetic Energy- Very Expansive

Stagnation. The cycle of support flows from 3 Tree, to 9 Fire, and terminates in 2 Soil. Although 3 Tree dominates 2 Soil, its influence is diminished, now, due to 2 Soil's double appearance, by the month and the 9-Year cycle, and by 2's position at the receiving end of the support cycle. Until 2036, the influence of the larger 9 Fire 81-Year Cycle will continue to generate conditions that are interesting, illuminating & entertaining but, in the extreme, can become chaotic and explosive.

For more information on Nine Star Ki and the times, see our global predictions for the current Nine Year Cycle.

2024 is a Number 3 Green Tree Year

The Year

Number 3 Light Green Tree is the ki of new beginnings, early spring, rising energy, the east, sunrise and thunder. As such, it actuates all phenomena that are associated with birth (animal kingdom), sprouting (vegetable kingdom), invention, fresh starts and active progress. It can be visualized as a tightly wound spiral, opening out, like a spring under tension that has just been released. It is the sound of a shout, or the boastful thunder of the first spring rain.

As we will see during the course of the year, 3 Tree is a force to be reckoned with. Very progressive – the way is fast and focused. It moves with a sequence of rapid discharges; like the master of an ox cart, urging the team forward with a series of shouts and prods. It is too late for cautious preparation. If portions of the road are unfinished, the way becomes difficult but the journey goes on. If the road comes to an end, the journey becomes an adventure.

This rugged, pioneering energy state can produce very constructive results. But in the extreme 3 can generate problems, as one can imagine. This is especially true if the present course of action becomes shaky when few alternatives are available. For example, a war could begin if diplomacy fails. In this case, those involved must be very creative to arrive at a positive solution. It is interesting that 7 Metal (joy, creativity) controls 3 Tree – yet 7 can also become emotional, so there is no guarantee.

Three Tree is the ki of the liver. The liver is dense (yang) but it is also by far the largest gland in the human body (yin). This fits in well with the image of the tightly wound spiral (yang) opening out (yin). In traditional Japanese healing, the liver is associated with anger – rising energy. A shout begins within and quickly expands beyond (moving from yang to yin).

You can't keep 3 Tree bottled up. The key to success is to channel this potent energy into positive, constructive activity. Healthy 3 Tree individuals are active, outgoing and have many interests. They are generally thin and very often tall, like a tree. If for any reason their native tree qualities are inhibited, they may quickly become overweight. All ventures, adventures, procedures and processes that are underway are engaged in the 3 Tree energy state. There are no exceptions. An architect may sit at the drawing board for weeks. People may live happily in the resulting home for years. But, the actual construction of the house is 3 Tree. When we consider all of the houses, highways, factories – all the resulting artifacts of humanity – we can appreciate this ki of new beginnings, rising energy, sunrise and thunder. Still, we should consider the important roles that good planning, creativity, ongoing attention & management play.

Tree is good at bending with the wind but there must be options. Bending too far in only one direction will eventually fail, sometimes with disastrous results.

The Ki Flow

For a larger perspective, open this tab.

The Year

If you wish, you can a read general overview of the 2 Soil 9-year Cycle (positive & negative) in this tab. But this article is about a 3 Tree Year. I mention the larger cycle because it's important to understand the fabric of time that 3 Tree 2024 is stitched into.

Tree regulates (controls) Soil. This is most obvious in the 3 Tree / 2 Soil combination. Three being the most robust Tree energy and Two being the most peaceful Soil energy. In this case, we can expect 3 to be the predominant ki, in 2024. However, we'll often see a push-and-pull between these different energy-states, sometimes creating awkward, uneven events.

We often feel that we have attained a point in history when war is diminishing. But as we have seen, 2 Soil 9-year cycles seem to promote armed conflict. The American Civil War occurred two 2 Soil 9-year cycles ago. And World War II during the most previous cycle. Now, we are engaged in a 3 Tree year. While 3 Tree is normally associated with blunt force and new beginnings, 2 Soil promotes stagnation and quagmire. History provides some hopeful signs where turning-points (3 Tree) produced positive outcomes in longstanding predicaments (2 Soil). The Battle of Gettysburg changed the course of the Civil War, as did the Battle of Stalingrad during WWII.

We can also see the way that 3 Tree (new beginnings) influences culture. In 1862, the Salon des Refusés in Paris, opened the way for works by Whistler & Manet, and eventually Impressionism and modern art. In 1943, the Great Depression officially ended in the United States. We look forward to similar events in 2024.

If the international scene became less stable in 2022 (5 Soil- politics, karma) and 2023 (4 Tree- fruition, following through) then we can imagine global conditions in 2024 (3 Tree- rising energy, thunder). But 3 is also the ki of new ideas, pioneering and progress. Tree supports the 9 Fire ki of the 81-Year Cycle – promoting both entertainment, chaos and, in the extreme, rapid expansion. This could cause military escalation. We can anticipate a time of rapid progress, great upheaval and angry outbursts.

But the wise will find an increased capacity to deal with challenges, from past experience and through new ideas and solutions. After all, the world has now occupied this 2 Soil 9-Year Cycle for six years. By now, we have a fairly good understanding of how to work with these conditions. We have adapted. The trick will be in reacting to sudden events, as they arise, until February, 2025.

3 Tree Research

January 17, 1773 – Captain Cook in HMS Resolution becomes the first European explorer to cross the Antarctic Circle.
3 Tree month / 3 Tree Year / 3 Tree 9-Year Cycle / 3 Tree 81-Year Cycle.

As usual, I have provided a list of previous 3 Tree years for you to explore. Also as usual, I've generally tried to avoid using battles, wars and other lethal events as examples. They are simply too depressing. Still, even when cherry-picking, a few ugly 3 Tree events were included. Where possible, the incidents have been placed in categories that reflect the various aspects of the ki.

Pioneering / Exploration:

One known example will be the 2024 New Horizons fly-by of Pluto, but please don't limit this category to travel. It also includes scientific, artistic, medical and all forms of pioneering.


This includes new and interesting things to do but it's important to consider global progress. We can all take part in supporting peaceful initiatives.

New Ideas / Invention:

This is another way to express the pioneering attitude.

Rising Up / New Beginnings / Birth / Germination / Renewal:

A catch-all expression of the mood of the times.

Tree / rising energy is associated with the liver meridian and anger:

Watch for uneven events due to bull-headed actions void of diplomacy.

Tree supports Fire:

This is an important one. Double 3 Tree supports 9 Fire doubly. Fire is the ki of summer, brilliance, entertainment and fortunate outcomes, but excess Fire expands rapidly and is potentially chaotic and very explosive. We also occupy a 9 Fire 81-year cycle (beginning in 1955), which explains a lot.

What Usually isn't Listed:

If you study the 3 Tree years, you will find a fair degree of capsized & burning boats, earthquakes, powerful storms -- numerous military coups, annexations and regime changes. Also events associated with large bridges.

You can research the raw information here, in the Wikipedia® "List of Years". Just remember that the ki-year begins on February 4th and extends through January of the following year.

[1907] [1916] [1925] [1934] [1943] [1952]
[1961] [1970] [1979] [1988] [1997] [2006] [2015]

Here are some previous 3 Tree years. Specific events are listed, along with attributes that illustrate the mood of 3 Tree. The majority of this information was gleaned from Wikipedia®, a practical online resource for studying 9 Star Ki's historical influence. (It has come to my attention that some Wikipedia® articles are not based in fact, but I don't think this applies to their list of chronological events.)

2015 (3 Tree Year / 3 Tree 9-Year Cycle / 9 Fire 81-Year Cycle)

2006 (3 Tree Year / 4 Tree 9-Year Cycle / 9 Fire 81-Year Cycle)

1997 (3 Tree Year / 5 Soil 9-Year Cycle / 9 Fire 81-Year Cycle)

1988 (3 Tree Year / 6 Metal 9-Year Cycle / 9 Fire 81-Year Cycle)

1979 (3 Tree Year / 7 Metal 9-Year Cycle / 9 Fire 81-Year Cycle)

1970 (3 Tree Year / 8 Soil 9-Year Cycle / 9 Fire 81-Year Cycle)

1961 (3 Tree Year / 9 Fire 9-Year Cycle / 9 Fire 81-Year Cycle)

1952 (3 Tree Year / 1 Water 9-Year Cycle / 1 Water 81-Year Cycle)

1943 (3 Tree Year / 2 Soil 9-Year Cycle / 1 Water 81-Year Cycle)

1934 (3 Tree Year / 3 Tree 9-Year Cycle / 1 Water 81-Year Cycle)

1925 (3 Tree Year / 4 Tree 9-Year Cycle / 1 Water 81-Year Cycle)

1916 (3 Tree Year / 5 Soil 9-Year Cycle / 1 Water 81-Year Cycle)

1907 (3 Tree Year / 6 Metal 9-Year Cycle / 1 Water 81-Year Cycle)

3 Tree Archetypes
Born in 3 Tree Months, in 3 Tree Years

Jane Goodall was born in a 3 Tree year but, technically, two days prior
to a 3 Tree month. Still, her feminine reflection of Ian Richardson's
masculine image is interesting. Links are provided instead of pictures
due to possible copyright infringement in Ian Richardson's case.

Jane Goodall- April 3, 1934
Ian Richardson- April 7, 1934

Interesting Links

For more links, see our macrobiotic and 9 Ki / Feng Shui pages.

Strategy For Evolution - Michael Becherer provides private 9 Star Ki consultations and hosts classes exploring the subtleties and nuances of 9 Star Ki. His web site offers energetic profiles, 9 Ki calculations, contact information and much more.

The Catlin Seaview Survey- The Catlin Seaview Survey in a five-year study of the effects of global warming in the world's coral reefs.

The Bore Cycle – A revolutionary, new and interesting connection for 9 Star Ki practitioners. Think sun, moon and tides.

the Non GMO Project - The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit collaboration of manufacturers, retailers, processors, distributors, farmers, seed companies and consumers. Our shared belief is that everyone deserves an informed choice about whether or not to consume genetically modified products, and our common mission is to ensure the sustained availability of non-GMO choices.

Our Rice Cultivation Pages - A pastime, for you, that is interesting, fun, beautiful, easy to do, and valuable for future generations.

Natural Health for Dogs and Cats - We want to continue to help your pets find a source of food that's safe to eat.

To better serve you (and, hopefully, increase our sales!) we've provided a sample that illustrates the features and format of our "Annual Forecast" publication.

Nine Star Ki Annual Forecast - A SAMPLE OF OUR 9 KI PUBLICATIONS.

Free Nine Star Ki software from Sonia Hirsch's site at is no longer available.

Free Nine Star Ki Excel Calculator developed and contributed by Noel Tan.

This Excel file coordinates the adult (annual birth) number with the annual ki, and coordinates the childhood (monthly birth) number with the monthly ki.

Slide the scrollbar to your birth month and year.
Determine your year and month star ki in the right column.
Select (lock-in) your year and month star ki in the middle column.
Non gray colored square shows which house your year star ki is in.
Gray circle shows which house your month star ki is in.


Click here for the file.

Nine Star Ki Toolbox. Using math to make quick calculations.
Click here for details.

Concerning the Macrobiotic and Feng Shui links. I have fun surfing for new sites to add to our network, but I don't have much time! This is YOUR SITE and I really hope that you will send in information, when you see a promising link. Also, don't hesitate to make me aware of your own talents. If you can provide a macrobiotic, Feng Shui, 9 Ki or other related service, I want to link to you*. And remember, we will gladly list regular postal addresses and phone numbers.

*After Nov. 1, 1999: For Feng Shui & 9 Star Ki links only. We now ask that you provide a return link to this web site. Also, if your macrobiotic site has a "links" page, we anticipate the favor of a return link. Thanks!

This site developed and maintained on low EMF equipment.

If you have any questions or comments about this web-site, your e-mail is welcome!

For your free personal assessment & forecast, you can click here!

© The Blooming Grove Studio® May, 2024

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