Appian Way, Rome Italy- © The Blooming Grove Studio, 1993

The Way of Balanced Health & Happiness

Modern macrobiotics is a system of diagnosing and healing illness. There is a strong emphasis on "preventive medicine". The individual learns to become aware of their own physical, mental and spiritual imbalances and to make corrections to their diet and lifestyle, long before the symptoms begin to indicate a serious condition.

Because of this focus upon personal awareness, the theme of self-reliance, of becoming responsible for one’s actions, plays an important role in daily life.

In macrobiotics, one of the primary ways of diagnosing a condition is to examine the posture, skin coloration, face, overall shape and other physical manifestations. In this sense, it is the "Feng Shui of the Body".

The main components of macrobiotic healing are a strong desire for health & freedom, the use of natural materials in the home and environment and a balanced diet of whole foods. Please visit our Macrobiotic Directory for more detailed information.

Our organic garden in early Spring. Young cabbage, radish and mugwort herb.
