A New Cycle in Time

In 2000, we entered a new Nine Year Cycle (4 Tree- Fruition). In their book, Nine Star Ki, Michio Kushi & Edward Esko explain that 4 Tree is the ki of "air travel, trade, and commerce". With that in mind, we can look for similarities between the present 4 Tree cycle (2000-2008) and the previous one (1919-1927), to gain a better understanding of the mood of our times.

Before we proceed, we must recognize certain differences between the two periods. The 1919-1927 period took place in a One Water 81 Year Cycle. One Water is the complimentary opposite of Nine Fire, the ki of our present 81 Year Cycle. Water represents floating, hidden energy (potential energy). Fire is associated with expansive activity (kinetic energy). Therefore, the global mood of the present time is brighter, but also more active and chaotic; creating fragmentation in nations, governments, and organizations.

There is also a difference in the direction of the ki flow. During 1919-1927, 1 Water supported the 4 Tree cycle, bringing rapid transportation and commerce to new heights. This was the period between World War I and the Great Depression. The "Roaring Twenties". Now, the supporting energy flows in the opposite direction. Four Tree (air and space travel; global commerce) feeds 9 Fire's kinetic, expansive and chaotic nature.

However, there are also strong similarities between the 1919-1927 and the 2000-2008 cycles. They are proceeded by 27 years of social self-indulgence (7 Metal- The Gay 90's; the 1970's), economic materialism (6 Metal- Turn of the Century; the 1980's) and political struggle (1910-1918; 1991-1999). Therefore, by historical necessity, the 4 Tree Nine Year Cycle is a product of the those previous phases, in the sense that it is still riding on their social inertia.

So, the general mood is one of completion and success. People enjoying the good times that resulted from previous political and material interests. And, because of the unparalleled advance in rapid travel and world trade, there is a feeling of empowerment, entitlement and modernity. The common man, or woman, can afford to travel by air. Thanks to modern appliances (1919-1927 telephone & radio), everyone is in touch with one another and with the world news. And, as often as not, the big news is about the latest technology; promising a bright and interesting future.

In many ways, we may very well experience the Roaring Twenties, all over again. But, in a more expansive (9 Fire) way. Telephone & radio has become e-mail & CNN. Local acrobatics have given way to intercontinental business and vacation flights. Gangland turf battles are replaced by global terrorism. We even have our own prohibition, of sorts. Smoking tobacco (9 Fire 81 Year Cycle) instead of drinking alcohol (1 Water 81 year cycle). Interesting.

But, I have a question. Soon after the 1919-1927 4 Tree cycle ended, the "Crash of '29" created a long-term global depression. That was during a 1 Water 81 Year Cycle. Now that we occupy a 9 Fire 81 Year Cycle (with the support flowing towards 9 Fire), will we see a "Rise of 2010"?

If we do, it sounds positive, doesn't it? I mean, a rise has to be better than a crash! Or is it? I suppose that depends on exactly what it is that rises. And we don't have a clue. Like our "modern" & extravagant Roaring 20 precursors, global society will likely arrive at the end of this 9 Year Cycle, innocent and unprepared.


Blooming Grove Table of Contents X © The Blooming Grove Studio. March 30, 2000.