Feng Shui and 9 Star Ki are different sides of the same coin. Though the two cannot really be divided into
descriptions that are wholly isolated from one another, we can say that Feng Shui correlates more with position in space, while 9 Star Ki relates more to position in time.
A few of these web sites are older and have not complied with "secure site" standards. There is no padlock preceeding their web address. They are not necessarily harmful but I suggest that you not share any secure information with them.
Come on home to Blooming Grove! Before you visit these interesting sites, you may want to add us to your browser's list of favorite places.
Examples: 9 Star Ki Applied to the Real World
Nine Star Ki Personal Readings with Alex Jack
Nine Star Ki Readings & Classes with Michael Becherer
On-Line Sales: Feng Shui Supplies and Furnishings
Other On-Line Feng Shui Directories
How to Choose a Quality Feng-Shui Resource
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Blooming Grove Table of Contents
The U.S. Presidents and 9 Star Ki
- A study of the "Presidential Ki". Statistical significance and 9 Star Ki.
The French Impressionists and 9 Star Ki
- The study in statistical significance continues with a look at the French Impressionists.
Hits on the Free Forecasts
- More statistical significance, based upon you and other visitors to this site!
Sunspots and 9 Star Ki
- A quick diddy on the natural cycles of our nearest star.
Death and 9 Star Ki
- Obituary listings and 9 Star Ki.
Fire Signs
- July 2000, was a Nine Fire month, in a Nine Fire Year. And Fire's flamboyant and explosive qualities were very apparent. Illuminating old, recurring problems and producing fiery events, in general.
Year of Revolution
- 2001 was a Number 8 White Soil Year, associated with new directions, change and revolution. In many ways, Eight Soil marks the beginning of a new 9 year cycle. Eight tends to create the mood of the times. Here are the trends that we observed.
Year of Joy
- 2002 was a generally stable year; in some ways "the calm before the storm". For most of the year, the clouds of war gathered but were held back by Seven's mood of pleasure and emphasis on gentle persuasion.
"I have been studying Chinese Traditional Geomancy since 1983, and also a Feng Shui and Yi Jing addict. Fortunate or unfortunate as that may seem, I am trying my best to put my knowledge in this area to use for the greater good. Feng Shui, I believe it can help people to arrange everything around us in a way that enable us to achieve a greater harmony with our living environment, relationships, business and career development."
Srečno naj bo! Vsakemu od nas želim, da bi globoko v sebi čutil svojo - pravo - notranjo srečo. Srečo, ki se je ne da kupiti, ki se je ne da priklicati z zabavo ali rajanjem, a jo vsi poznamo. Doživel jo je vsak izmed nas - vsaj za trenutek. In želim nam vsem, da bi takšne trenutke doživljali vse bolj pogosto in vse močneje in ker le srečen človek lahko deli srečo, upam, da jo bo vsak od nas znal tudi dajati svoji okolici.
Ova stranica nastala je u početku 2002 godine u Sloveniji, a sad je pripremljena sa prijateljima Hrvatima za prijatelje iz hrvatske. Znam, da ima grešaka, a molim vas, da mi jih oprostite. Strana namijenjena je poboljšanju življenja svakoga čovjeka posebice i svih nas zajedno.
Feng Shui In German
Our friend, Thomas Peter Papst, tells us that this is a very important
European site. And we thank him for the information.
- Välkommen till LivsHälsa! LivsHälsa AB är lärare och ledare i medvetandeutveckling.
Utifrĺn en helhetssyn pĺ människan och organisationen använder vi effektiva medel och
metoder för att uppnĺ uppsatta mĺl.
Stephen Field's Site
- "As far as I know I am the only scholar in the US who is currently doing research on
kanyu/fengshui. I would be very happy if you included my site in your
list. Thanks. And thanks too for your hard work in providing this
You are very welcome, Stephen!
Feng Shui in Minnesota
- A practicing Feng Shui consultant in Minnesota, specializing in both the Form and Compass Schools of Feng Shui.
The Feng Shui Emporium
- A wide assortment of Feng Shui mail order products.
All of our resources are listed because they are sincerely devoted to the study of Feng Shui and/or Nine Star Ki. And because their web pages (and/or services) are informative and interesting. They all have different backgrounds and, therefore, have unique ideas and approaches. Also, there are many other practitioners and services, available. How then, do you determine the teachers, advisors, shops and publications that will fit your needs?
Blooming Grove offers two helpful guidelines:
First and foremost:
And, in any case:
Several "Feng Shui" web sites desire a fee for "membership" or make their consultants pay to be listed in their directory of "approved consultants". Our advice is to avoid such sites. There are plenty of people and organizations who are well informed and willing to answer your questions, without hitting you for money the instant you arrive!
Blooming Grove tries to list the most helpful, educational and interesting sites. We want you to feel that these are your pages. If you see an internet resource that you think should be added to this page, please let us know. Also, if you have a problem contacting or communicating with any of these links, we want to hear from you.
If you would like to be added to or removed from this list, or if you would like to modify your existing
reference, please contact us by
Inclusion in this reference guide is free.
If we feel a recommended link is valid and appropriate to this site, we'll post it!
This directory is developed by human hearts and hands. We don't use Zeus or any other automated methods to create links. We seek quality, not quantity.
As of November 1, 1999, we no longer provide links to organizations who do not provide the favor of a return link to our pages (http://www.9starki.com or http://www.9starki.com/fengshui.htm). However, we will continue to link to interesting sites, when we find them, on the www, whether they link to us or not.
All sites posted prior to November 1, 1999, that do not link to Blooming Grove will remain posted, but will be listed beneath our link partners (fair is fair).
If you want to add our banner to your web site click here.
Year of Persistence
- 2003 was remarkable for its cold rigidity. Even heated world debate could not impede conditions that had developed in previous years. Most notably, the war in Iraq and continuing violence in Israel, despite a so-called "Road Map to Peace". Some surprises did occur, such as the destruction of the Libyan weapons programs. But, by and large, the inertia of pre-existing events produced situations that were clear-cut and relatively easy to foresee.
Year of Karma
- 2004 was a Number 5 Yellow Soil year. Five resides at the center of the 9 Ki square. Being at the axis, it is the ki of control and balance. As such, 5 is associated with politics and power. On Earth, all manifestations of mass and energy are born in the center and, every 9th cycle, return to the center. Therefore, 5 is a time of karmic repercussions.
The 4 Tree 9-Year Cycle
- 2000 to 2008 was a 4 Tree 9-Year cycle. Originally posted online in March, 2000, our commentary foreshadowed the events of the cycle in an almost eerie way; especially concerning the repercussions of global terrorism (and its causes).
9 Ki and the Mayan End of Time
- On the Mayan calendar, December 23, 2012, marks the "end of time". This link uses 9 Star Ki and general observations to explore the possible meaning of that event.
9 Star Ki Personal Readings with Alex Jack
Strategy For Evolution
- Exploring the subtleties and nuances of 9 Star Ki.
9 Star Ki & Feng Shui in Bangladesh
- Presented by Bahzad Rahman:
Feng Shui Prophet
- This web site is easy to navigate and offers very clear commentaries and illustrations.
Devetzvezdni KI / KI devet zvijezda
- Nine Star Ki in Slovenia and Croatia. Created by Vojko Kalan & Friends. Blooming Grove has been communicating with Vojko for many years. We are very pleased to learn that he has created a wonderful web site that provides 9 Star Ki in two languages. Spreading the word!
Zaihong Shen's Feng Shui New York & Feng Shui Gallery
- Offers Feng Shui consultation service, interior design, original Chinese artwork and books in the NYC area.
Cheri Glaser Pottery-
A true artist, in every sense of the word. And one of my favorite teachers. Too bad this site isn't holographic..... two dimensions don't give justice to her work, but it is, still, a marvel to behold!
The Feng Shui Directory and Magazine
- A directory of Feng Shui resources. Also, related articles and
monthly astrological forecasts.
The better your own understanding of Feng Shui and 9 Ki, the easier it will be find the organizations that are right, for you. That's why we have a "Recommended Reading" page (click here to see it).
Make initial contact with a Feng Shui or 9 Ki resource. Listen to their response. If it is not prompt or if it sounds too unbalanced or too "mystical", then it is best avoided. If the reply is practical and makes sense to you; if it provides a more dynamic way of looking at your personal situation, then you may wish to develop this resource.
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